Associated Insurance Services
Company Name: Associated Insurance Services
Status: Active
State: Alaska
Post: 99518
Zip: 99518
County: Anchorage
City: Anchorage
Address: 7125 Old Seward Highway #203
Phone: (907)349-2229
Fax: (907)349-3036
Email: unknown
Web site:
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Name: K.W.
Message: Great deals and excellent service.
Name: J.T.
Message: Ann has carefully taken care of me and property through the years.
Name: M.B.
Message: Through thick and thin, AIS is there and attentive to my needs. Doug started with me when I was a two-person shop when others didn't think I was work the time. Over time, my shop grew to over 25 employees and the insurance needs that come with them. Great team, awesome service.
Name: G.L.
Message: Always helpful and willing to listen.
Name: R.K.
Message: As agent, he does the best on his job that leads 5star from customer.
Name: J.P.J.
Message: Great folks, super informative and helpful.